
Book Signing with The David's from Outsider Tart!!

David, me, David

To Lisa- Remember there are no mistakes in baking only things you eat in private! Happy Baking David & David
I can't even tell you how excited (nervous) I was about getting my book signed!! We (my family and friend Lauren) got to Oxford around noon. We then had lunch in the covered market and finished with a Ben's Cookie*!! My husband a chocoholic had the Triple Chocolate Cookie, the girls had a chocolate chip cookie and I choose the peanut butter cookie! Yum!!

Then right at two we made our way to Waterstone's! The girls were happily reading books downstairs in the kids section when they made an announcement that the David's were ready and waiting!!

I waited my turn in line** and hoped my nerves didn't show. You'll soon discover how fruitless that was!! Lauren and my husband wanted me to tell them that I traveled all the way from America to meet them. I was like no that's silly but what I did come out with was "I came all the way from Reading!!" For those of you who don't know how far Reading is from's 30 minutes. Not very far.***There was a little more chit chat and then I was asked if the book was being made out to anyone. I replied with "yeah me" to which I had the response of "...and your name is..."^ Yeah, it's was one of those moments for me. Lauren, bless her, was holding in her laughter!! She was, of course, a good photographer^^  and she agreed that the whoopie pie on sample was very good! Mini Baker and Baby Baker thoroughly enjoyed a sugar cookie! Over all it was a very nice day out and I got my book signed!!

Not only do I think you should get their book, I also think you should visit them at their bakery!!

*I added a photo of me at Ben's to my about me page! 
**The que.
***I wasn't nervous. I know it might be silly to be nervous. I know they are just people too. It's just that I do get nervous around people I admire and respect. I don't want to make a fool of myself! A bit late for that!! ;0]
^Have I told you I'm blond?
^^See above picture!


  1. Hi - I'm a fellow expat from the US and I've just discovered your blog! I am sooo jealous about your book signing and meeting the guys from Outsider Tart :) The book is on my 'to buy' list and I'm so excited to be able to visit their bakery one day!

    Lovely to meet a fellow american baker in the UK :)

    1. Hello! It was a great day out! It is one of my all time favorite baking books. One that I have baked the most from! Highly recommended! I have visited their stall, but not there bakery.... yet!

      It's amazing how many of us American bakers in England there are!


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