
help me win a copy of Leon: Baking and Pudding Book 3!!

I love baking books. Not that I needed to tell you that! 
Remember this amazing Blackout Cake I made last year for my husband's birthday? 

I've entered it in Leon's Proudest Baking Moment contest to win a signed copy of their Leon: Baking and Pudding Book 3! 
Would love to add it to my bookshelf
Help me win by voting for me! 
  1. Follow the link:
  2. The cakes are listed in alphabetical order so head straight for the L's and vote for Lisa! 
  3. Thank You!! 
I am sorry if you follow me on other social media like twitter (@unitedcakedom) and Facebook. 
Especially Facebook as I posted this information on my personal page and the United Cakedom Page! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you!! I don't think I'll be able to beat the few that have over 500 votes, but you gotta be in it to win it! ;0)


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