Today is the fifth and final day of Cadbury Week here on
United Cakedom.
It was a no brainer that I was going to make brownies at some
point this week. Brownies are prefect for adding things too, a bit like ice
What I had in mind for these Curly Wurly Brownies was a
lasagna type of dessert. Layer of brownie batter, caramel sauce, Curly Wurly’s
(like lasagna sheets) and repeat. So that’s exactly what I did.
They turned out completely decadent and delicious!! I liked
how the carame/toffee in the Curly Wurly didn't melt completely and so every other
bite there’d be a bit of chewy caramel. Yum Yum!!
Its no secret that I love Betty Crocker's fudge brownies, I can only assume it's nostalgia or just that it has a texture I have yet to repeat with a from scratch recipe. If you'd rather not use a box mix for these don't worry. Any recipe would work for these, just double it so you can get 2 layers or just have one layer whatever you want to do!.Have a look in my archives if you don't already have a favorite brownie recipe. Don’t forget, if you choose to use the box mix, you’ll need 2 eggs and vegetable oil
to make brownies.
Curly Wurly Brownies
2 boxes of Betty Crocker Fudge Brownie Mix
Caramel Sauce (below)
10 Curly Wurly’s, chilled
Pre-heat the oven to 180C. Line and grease an 8 in (20cm)
square pan.
In 2 separate bowls prepare the brownies according to the
instructions on the back of the box.
Spread one of the brownie mixes at the
bottom of prepared tin, smoothing it out as best you can.
Place some of the
caramel sauce in the middle. You could swirl it in.
Then lay 5-6 curly wurlys
across the top.
Place the remaining brownie batter on the top and repeat with
the caramel and curly wurly’s.
Bake for 60-90 minutes. I know that’s a pretty
big range, but it’s a fat brownie and it needs a lot of time. I baked mine for
80 minutes, the middle was cooked but pretty soft so bake longer if
you want it firmer.
Caramel Sauce
2 tbsp cold water
100g caster sugar
120g double cream
25g unsalted butter
Put the water and caster sugar in a heavy-bottomed saucepan
and heat gently to dissolve, swirling but never stirring the contents. Once the
sugar is dissolved, turn the heat up to high and bring to the boil. Cook until
the caramel turns amber, then watch like a hawk until it turns dark, then whisk
in the cream. Careful not to splash, add the butter and whisk until smooth.
Cool before using.
notes: This is the last day of my Cadbury Week. I had a lot
of fun concocting these recipes/ideas. If you have been inspired and have made
a Cadbury inspired treat or if you already have Cadbury inspired treats to
share please email me (unitedcakedom(@)gmail(.)com) a picture, a few words about your creation and a link if
you are a blogger and I will do a round up post if I get any response!; Caramel
sauce comes from
The Whoopie Pie Book by Claire Ptak; And last but not least I
will remind you once again that this post and this week has not been sponsored
by Cadbury’s!
Monday: Picnic -
PicnicDoodle Salad
Tuesday: Double Decker -
Double Decker Pillow Cookies
Wednesday: Star Bar -
Star Bar Cake
Thursday: Cherry Ripe -
Cherry Ripe Cupcakes