
Five on Friday: Five Fun things to do in the Twin Cities

As a way to get myself back into the swing of blogging, after taking a short break to go visit my family in Minnesota, I thought I would start five on Friday.

I have seen this on other blogs. So, it’s not an original idea but hey most things aren't these days!

My Five on Friday’s will mostly be about foodie things because yes this is a foodie blog. But I am not going to limit myself to only foodie things. This is going to be a way for you my readers to get a better idea of me! Sound fun?

Well, it does to me! If you are also taking part in a Five on Friday or Five for Friday or whatever else it can be called please leave a link below in the comments so I can have a look! Or Tweet me @unitedcakedom I do like to re-tweet! 

Here it goes my first Five on Friday (drum roll) and the topic is……..

Five Fun Things to do in Minneapolis/St. Paul Minnesota 

1225 Estabrook Drive, Saint Paul, MN 55103

Go after you've had lunch so that you can spend any extra money on Sno-Cones and Cotton Candy or (Candy Floss if you are British). Also look online ahead of time for feeding times and seal shows! We managed to skip the ride parts by telling the girls that it was for big kids. You can always reverse that and tell your big kids it’s only for little kids, but they will probably be less gullible.

2. Science Museum of Minnesota (not free unless you know someone who works there)
120 W. Kellogg Blvd., Saint Paul, MN 55102 aka Planet Earth, Latitude: 44° 56' 34" N, Longitude: 93° 05' 54" W

Make sure you have a whole day to explore here! There is just so much to do and see. Check out the performance times for the stage on the lowest level as they have some short fun performances that are all about science! Like the picture below shows two very talented people teaching kids about the water cycle! 

3. Lakes: Lake Nokomis (free)
4955 West Lake Nokomis Pkwy. Minneapolis, MN 55417

Tip for swimming in lakes: Do Not Take your Phone swimming with you! As long as you keep that in mind it’s a lake with a sandy beach. Bring a picnic and let the kids go splash and play in the water! Best day ever according to my girls! They don’t care if it’s not a tropical beach somewhere in the Pacific! I did a little. But hey you take what you can get!

1750 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55403

The home of the iconic Cherry and Spoon sculpture it’s definitely a place to see and let the kids loose. The girls climbed on everything they could. We didn't visit the Walker, but I have been in the past and if you like Modern Art I would suggest going in (there is an admission charge). If you cross the bridge there is a big park for the kids to run around in too!

920 E Lake St #G10, Minneapolis, MN 55407, United States

When you visit here go hungry! It’s like a massive food court with authentic global cuisines! Including a bakery called The Salty Tart. It had good bread! We took our baguette in our picnic to the beach! Plus it had other tasty looking treats and as I was in line a lady was ordering a massive amount of cupcakes, so I assume they do events too! There were other stalls/shops as well, but I was looking at the food! 

And that was my ... 

... next Friday there will be Five more fun things so until then! 

note: all opinions and pictures are my own! 

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